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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Architecture means....."

Architecture is what we work towards making everyday at adaptdesign. Today I would like to consider the big picture of what is architecture?  Below are a series of architecture quotes that offer a opinions of what architects do?

"Architecture is not a goal...Architecture is for life and pleasure and work and for people. The picture frame, not the picture."  William Wurster

William Wurster’s quote is one of my favorites because it gets to the heart of what architecture is: People and the relationships that shaping places for them to live have on them.   It is a quote that is specific, yet it allows you to dream, explore and listen to a client to shape for them a home or office that supports what they do. We could go into the details but let’s consider a few of other quotes as examples of the profession.  Think about them as you visit buildings, or design a building. How can thinking in the big picture help you understand the assembly of the details.

“Architecture is the marriage of place and occasion.”  Aldo van Eyck

“Architecture has always been as much about the event that takes place in a space as about the space itself.” Bernard Tschumi

“The house does not frame the view: it projects the beholder into it. “ Harwell Hamilton Harris

“Architecture at its best deals with the nature of people, the nature of places — whether they are in the natural world or people’s homes or places where they work. And it deals with the nature of materials, which is really fascinating.” Peter Bohlin

“By the use of raw materials and starting from conditions more or less utilitarian, you have established certain relationships which have aroused my emotions. This is architecture.”  Le Corbusier

“Architecture is a continuing dialogue between generations which creates an environment across time.”  Vincent Scully

Please submit your favorite quote of what a definition of architecture is below.  We would enjoy hearing what your favorite definitions are.

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